Thursday, 5 November 2015

PL - Time Management

Time Management
29 / 10 / 15

Time management is something I have always struggled with. Since I've been at uni I feel like I have successfully kept a record of everything I need to do, so I don't necessarily forget the tasks and jobs outstanding for me. My problem is procrastinating, I am useless. This is my biggest downfall of getting jobs done before the last night, so I was quite glad structuring myself was the focus of this weeks lecture.

Functioning professional process (everyone does this- studios big or small)

No Planning = Angry clients, sub standard work, missed opportunities.

Tool No1- Love lists (get it out of your head) List want's, do's and dreams.

Tool No2 - Know yourself (body clock and how long it takes you to do tasks)

Tool No3 - Plan ahead (plan  for two days before deadlines- ideal)

Our task for this week was to start using lists more. Starting with creating a dream list, and then from this we had to structure our next 5 days and make note of how we have be more productive and get closer to these dreams..

Dream List: (in no order)

- Achieve atleast a 2.1
- Explore Amsterdam in February 
- Live in NYC for atleast 6 months at some point!
- Re-design / Design my own home with the Mrs.
- Have a vinyl collection and learn how to play
- Linked to the above, have connections and work within the techno/tech house industry e.g. get waved with Troxler
- Have practise / experience across all medias of Graphic Design e.g. web and screen
- Work for a company which genuinely is having a positive impact from their design work on the world, and allow me to travel the world

From planning and structuring my week I did find I had more time outside of my work in which I could genuinely relax in. Because usually I still have the work at the back of my head as I haven't yet properly planned when its going to get done. Having assigned times to do it in, it did open up opportunities for myself to chase points on my dreams list, for example Sunday night involved me looking at holiday prices for Dam and the events that we could visit whilst there. I also found a more consistent half hour to hour period last thing at night which I used to DJ and explore new songs which is all building the journey to finally getting vinyls and getting recognised in the industry.

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