Thursday, 3 May 2018

602 - DINES & BLUP

After the talk Dines gave, we were lucky enough to have the opportunity to pitch either a current project we were working on to him for feedback, or a finished project to try and impress him. I decided I would show him my work for the Monotype campaign - as I was especially proud of how the posters and other outputs came out alongside the motion graphics and moving tattoos I designed. Safe to say Dines was really impressed and couldn't believe I'd done the motions myself. Being from a very motion-based studio, I could see the value in trying to get close to him, so I definitely tried to make the best impression I possibly could!

Afterwards I chatted with Alec about the potentials of getting in touch with him regarding a placement, as I seriously respected the guy - his work and design style, but also work ethos and whole attitude to life! His personality made him a very easy person to get on with and his positivity made you want to rely on him and believe in whatever he says - which is the ideal characteristics of a good designer - you feel comfortable and persuaded because he clearly knows what he's doing just from his whole presence in the room. I wanted to tap into this and have him as my mentor for abit so I could try and observe and learn more of his tricks of the trade!

So I kept bugging him on email! 
Making use of my gif handler and showing him I'm just as real as he is - trying to make personal links to him - like I saw he recently got Nerf as a new client so made a joke about that! 

SUBJECT: ðŸ‘Ÿ in the 🚪

But I know how much of a busy guy he is and if I was too get through to him, I would have to be persistent or just lucky! So I kept trying! 
Trying to stroke his ego a bit and even be a bit cheeky to show I'm the kind of guy he wants round the studio..

Finally he got back to me, but it was very brief. 
He was willing to help me out and let me come in for a week, but it was going to be hard based off the time it took him to reply!

So I took matters into my own hands and noticed he'd listed his mobile number at the bottom of the email!
So I simply ripped his number
and started whats-apping him instead - because I know how much more direct that would be!

He was actually quite impressed by this and we soon had dates confirmed for me to come in! BUZZING! 

- From the minute I met the bloke, his attitude was contagious and it felt right for me to go and experience his practise and how the studio works - being an aspiring motion designer. The more I looked into his studios work and background, the more obsessed I became!

Everything from their remixed, moving bits on their instagram to projects with Adidas for the winter olympics, Chelsea and Nike Football, Ciroc and many many more.

I was blown away by how a studio can produce such current motion work which fits into the market so well - it isn't overly complicated when you pick it apart, just the whole glitch / remixed style bringing the elements to life and makes the content pop and feel very current to the very digital industry we now live in.

Image result for studio blup gifs

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