Sunday 13 May 2018

602 - Presentation & Evaluation

Presentation screenshots:

Final Module Evaluation:

Over the years I think I have been able to naturally come into my own through the PPP module. I think this is down to having become more confident in myself as a creative, through my quality of work and online presence, which represents and supports my overall persona, but also through my overall approach to communication, tone of voice and how I present myself in general with potential clients, collaborators and other industry professionals.

This has developed itself alongside me gaining more of a certainty regarding my focus within design, this year I have truly been able to direct my practise to what I enjoy and am most inspired by.

I think this year I have effectively satisfied my initial aims of pushing my practise within the motion and illustration realm, giving me as much experience of what being a motion designer in the real world would actually be like, whilst simultaneously building a strong portfolio to reflect my now considered and tested practise. I also initially suggested how I wanted to really engage with design for screen and consider how I can be most engaging and interactive for the audience, boosting the reach of the content I produce through careful considerations of audience and the way I am communicating to them through the social platforms.

My placement at Studio Blup definitely began to reinforce this direction my work was travelling in, giving me the opportunity to see how professional, industry level motion designers approach their days. Getting to be part of this tight-knit but relaxed dynamic gave me a real taste of what life after uni could be like. Openly bouncing ideas around to ensure all criteria are being met, whilst being open to critiques and suggestions to help develop my practise. At set times throughout the day I was required to pitch my work and concepts to Dines, where I would receive rigorous feedback and pointers of how to really sell the concept to the client. By the end of the week I was directly pitching my work to the actual clients, making me feel very professional, yet slightly out of my comfort zone! But the experience of working on a on a client-led brief, taught me how to respond accordingly dependent on the client and their background and content style, pitching in a professional and confident way - taking inspiration from Dines contagious attitude and approach. I didn’t think I would ever be willing to work in London, however from this placement and experiencing the hustle and bustle of the underground and all the diverse stimuli to be inspired by everyday on your way to the studio, it has definitely made me consider otherwise!

I was able to interact with the industry on many other occasions throughout the year, however one event in-particular stood out to me. The Intern x Napapijri project that I got the chance to work on literally blew me away. Getting to work closely with Alec was a beneficial and enjoyable experience which taught me a lot about how to hold myself professionally throughout the design process and through communication with the client, as well as then giving me the opportunity at the end to see what I have worked on at a huge scale in a room filled with people. The confidence this gave me to openly chat with creatives and network at the event truly changed my perception of the industry and has given me a desire for more!

This isn’t the only thing which completely changed my options for after uni however. Through working on various collaborations and commissions throughout the year it has developed my professional personality and approach very well, readying me for the industry. However this all changed as the VS Project evolved! I thought I wanted a quiet studio job behind a desk, but various influential people I have chatted with over the year, such as Frankie Ratford and Abraham Asefaw, have driven me to not settle down just yet. Instead it inspired the evolution of my developing platform on Instagram which has now grown into a developing brand idea and travelling plan for me and a friend (a recent-grad cameraman) - where we plan to push both of our practises to the maximum, through immersing ourselves deep into other cultures and documenting every step of the way via this platform, which could completely change our career prospects when we get back!

Overall, I have actually thoroughly enjoyed PPP this year. With Alec's help I definitely feel more equipped to graduate.

602 - Techno Bible

A friend from back home recently got in touch regarding working with him on a potential rebrand for the popular page 'Techno Bible' on Instagram. 

With 114k followers this is definitely a project I'll be digging my fingers into after the final hand-in! 

As it will be great exposure

602 - After Uni? The VSP?

The VS Project, or ‘Visual Stimuli Project’, is another side-brief which Sam has been collaboratively working on with another recent-grad creative, cameraman - Max Ward. 

Starting out as just a visual inspiration blog on Instagram, they have plans to develop this into a creative platform promoting not only themselves and their current projects but their inspirations, day-to-day activities and charitable work too.

Driving themselves forward as fresh, recent-grad creatives with a current and playful yet professional approach, the boys will be offering themselves independently and as a collaborative duo - available for freelance and commissions.

With plans to push their works into a more charitable realm - they aim to raise money and produce fund-raiser projects for charities such as Cancer Research, Breast Cancer Research and Help for Heroes. Eventually feeding into their big travel plan, set to begin in April next year!

“We both visited Thailand in the summer and could not get enough it - the people, the scenery, the lifestyle! We knew straight away this was somewhere we wanted to explore in more depth and definitely allow to inspire and drive our personal projects into something more intriguing and eye-opening for viewers potentially wanting to visit more of the far east.

After hearing the endless stories about the mistreatment of wildlife (such as elephants in the tourism industry out there) but also the small yet friendly communities, and beautiful yet challenging environments they face on a day-to-day basis; really put it into perspective for us how we can use this fire in our bellies to get out there and capture this insane amount of content and possibility - as well as potentially do something great for them at the same time!”

They plan to take the leap across the globe and plunge into Asia come April 2019, which will then involve up to 3 months of exploring, networking and documenting everything they come across - from stories of small communities hard at work, to heart-warming families living out in the wilderness; from the truth about elephants within the tourism industry and what places like Chang-Mai are doing to reduce this, to what really lies within the crazy back streets of Bangkok and how the ever-emerging tattoo culture has evolved into this new connected world we live in.

On their list so far includes countries such as Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Bali; but there's definitely a lot more info and content to come yet, so don’t worry!

After this period in Asia, the VS boys hope to settle into the Aus way of life for a bit - focusing on re-building funds, whilst gathering and reflecting on all they have seen and worked on in their 3 months out on the road. Continuing to drive this content into fresh audiences through their social medias and links made, as well as building new circles within the Australian design scene too.

“Australia will signify a new chapter, a chapter filled with creative opportunity through our travels whilst networking with local creatives and studios and just seeing how we can fit into the scene with what we have at that time.”

Anyone interested in what the VS Project have in-store can get involved or simply say hi via our personal emails at this time.

602 - Revisiting my Website

After losing all of my first website files and content after my external hard-drive broke, it taught me a valuable lesson to never not back up my work in the cloud so it is safe forever. 

This meant I had to start fresh with my website design, so I opted to pay the extra fees to create via an online platform instead, as my initial experiments on Muse proved to me how web design was not for me!

I mimicked my website structure as closely as I could, but naturally was able to develop it into something even more impactful and engaging for my audience..

Upon opening the homepage, you are always met with a pop-up lightbox introducing me as a creative with my humorous animated gif. This gives a bit of background about me and then directs you into the site..

The layout and setup of Wix made for an easy and considered designing process allowing me to consider the functionality for the audience at every step.
- Through the consistency of my colour scheme, as well as intricate little touches like the colour of links when you hover over them.

- I ensured there were quick and obvious links to my social and professional platforms as well as interactive, moving covers for each of my projects to reflect my motion practise.

The task bar allowed me to tailor every element of the design to my needs, also staying consistent with my use of Space Mono within my entire brand identity.

- Professional and hard-hitting information about myself, with another interactive gif!

With clear links and contact forms inviting people to get in touch..

I ensured I was referencing my personal projects and platforms through the site to better engage those and represent my practise on a whole.

- Also developing from my previous site with proper, consistently style case studies of each project. Not to mention, how easy it is update the info.

Finished website tour:
Give it a look a proper look at

602 - Intern x Napapijri

Was lucky enough to produce some hard-hitting and engaging motion work for Alec at Intern, for the upcoming collaboration with Napapijri in their pop-up shop in Shoreditch.

Various features through the Intern socials:

This provided me with a perfect opportunity to do some networking in a cool, creative environment - with visuals I have worked on being the focal point of the space.

It was an incredible feeling to go and see something I had worked on featured at such a large scale, especially in such a cool environment for an event space, in a room full of creatives!

- Handed out some of my business cards and got talking to the various freelance photographers and videographers at the exhibition night.

- As well as getting to have a good chat with Abreham Asefaw again after the Creative Convos Week. 
I was able to pitch my travelling idea and VS brand concept to him and see how he thought we could sculpt our approach to be more unique and striking - similar to him and his people at Pop Up Agency. He gave me all sorts of insider tips to travelling and working abroad - concluding our conversation with a deep undertone of personal enlightenment, suggesting how I won't know until I go and experience it for myself. This was good advice, as sometimes it is best to just take the leap into the unknown and sculpt as you go. However the build up to my travels will give me enough time to ensure my brand and values are on-point and I am as prepared and in-the-loop as I'll ever be!